Saturday 28 June 2014

D.I.Y: Decorative pegs

These page are super stylish and add a little colour to all of your important notes!

I am going to get right to the instructions now, so here is a list of what you need:

- Pegs (As many as you want)
- Assorted paper/light weight card
- Pva glue
- A paint brush
- Scissors
- A pencil

1. Draw around the outside of your peg, onto your paper.

2. Cut out the shape you have just drew.

3. Using a brush smooth some glue over one side of the peg, place the cut out paper strip on top, then re-apply some glue, leaving a glossy finish. I used Pva glue which makes them water resistant meaning that you can still use these to peg out your washing!

4. Repeat these steps for your other pegs to create a variety of colourful pegs.

Why not add a magnetic strip, so then you can stick these onto your fridge or whiteboard, whilst they still hold all of your notes!

Thanks for visiting and be sure to stop by on Monday for my next crafty tutorial!

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